Big Data Concepts and Tools - Big Data Vendors and Platforms

5 important questions on Big Data Concepts and Tools - Big Data Vendors and Platforms

What is special about the Big Data vendor landscape? Who are the big players?

The vendor landscape is developing very rapidly.
2 big players in the vendor landscape in terms of distribution:
Cloudera ( by Hadoop creator Doug Cutting and former face book data scientist Jeff Hammerbach
Hortonworks: spun out of Yahoo!

How do you think the Big Data vendor landscape will change in the near future? Why?

Into a Big Data market with Hadoop connectors and complementary tools aimed at making it easier for developers to move data around and within Hadoop clusters.
Big Data will be incorporated into analytic layers.
Big data as service for several industries

  Platforms: IBM InfoSphere BigInsights

IBM InfoSphere BigInsights: is a platform based on the open source Apache Hadoop project to analye traditioanle structured data found in legacy databases along with semi- and unstructured data such as text, video, images, social media
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Platform: Teradata Aster

Is a big data platform for distributed storage and processing of large multistructured data sets

What is the role of visual analytics in the world of Big Data?

According to Gartner and Forrester, they are essential tools that enable to monitor business uncover trends, relationships and anomalies by shifting visually through large quantities of data.

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