Predictive Analytics I: Data Mining Process, Methods, and Algorithms - Data Mining Software Tools

5 important questions on Predictive Analytics I: Data Mining Process, Methods, and Algorithms - Data Mining Software Tools

What are the most popular commercial data mining tools?

SAS - Enterprise Miner
Dell - StatSoft

Why do you think the most popular tools are developed by statistical-based companies?

Because statistics is the foundation of data mining. Moreover, IBM, SAS and Dell have the means to cost-effectively develop them into full-scale data mining systems.

What are the most popular free data mining tools? Why are they gaining overwhelming popularity (especially R)?

  • R
  • Weka
  • RapidMiner

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What are the main differences between commercial and free data mining tools?

The main difference is the computational efficiency

What would be your top 5 selection criteria for a data mining tool? Explain.

User interface
Computational efficiency  

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