Descriptive Analytics II: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing

6 important questions on Descriptive Analytics II: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing

Describe data integration

Data integration permits data to be accessed and made available to an array of ETL tools and the data warehousing environment.
It integrates data from multiple systems.

Describe the 3 steps of the ETL process

Extraction: reading data from 1 or more databases
Transformation: converting the extracted data from its previous form into the form in which it needs to be so that it can be placed into a data warehouse (or other database)
Load: putting the data into the data warehouse

What steps can an organization take to ensure the security and confidentiality of customer data in its data warehouse?

  • Establishing effective corporate and security policies and procedures. (Start at the top and communicate to all)
  • Implement logical security procedures and techniques to restrict access (authentication, access controls, encryption technology)
  • Limit physical access to the data center environment
  • Establishing an effective internal control review process with an emphasis on security and privacy.
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What skills should a DWA possess? Why?

  • familiar with high performing software, hardware and networking technologies
  • solid business insights
  • familiar with decision making processes
  • excellent communication skills  

What is a performance management system? Why do we need one?

A performance management system encompasses a performance measurement system.
Underlying a BPM is a performance measurement system: they assist managers in tracking the implementation of business strategy by comparing actual results against strategic goals and objectives.

What are the distinguishing features of KPIs?

a KPI represents a strategic objective and measures performance against a goal. KPIs are multidimensional with distinguishing features:
  • Strategy: KPI represent a strategic objective
  • Targets: KPI measures performance against a specific target
  • Ranges: e.g. above target, on target, below target
  • Encodings: ranges encoded in software. e.g. green, yellow, red for abovee, on or below target
  • Time frames: by which the target must be accomplished.
  • Benchmarks: targets are measured against a baseline or bencmark. E.g the previous year.

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