Future Trends, Privacy and Managerial Considerations in Analytics - Data Scientist as a Profession

4 important questions on Future Trends, Privacy and Managerial Considerations in Analytics - Data Scientist as a Profession

What is a data scientist?

is a rol or job associated with big data

What are the common characteristics of data scientists? Which one is the most important?

  • writing code in the latest Big Data analytics languages and platforms
  • communicate in a language that all of their stakeholders understand
  • Demonstrate storytelling with data, verbally, visually...
  • business and technical skills
  • the most important skill: intense curiosity; they look for new possibilities whereas BI-users analyze their existing business situations and operations

Where do data scientists come from? What educational background do they have?

No consensus on their educational background.
Having a Phd in computer science, Management Information systems, Industrial engineering may be not enough. to call someone a data scientist. They should have expertise is technical as well as in business application domains. It resesmbles somewhat the professionsal engineer or project management professional skills.
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What do you think is the path to becoming a great data scientist?

A data scientist should have soft skills such as creativity, curiosity, communication/interpersonal, domain expertise as well as sound technical skills such as data manipulation, programming, hacking, scripting and internet and social media/networking technologies.

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