An Overview of business - Evolution of Computerized Decision Support to Analytics/Data Science

5 important questions on An Overview of business - Evolution of Computerized Decision Support to Analytics/Data Science

List three of the terms that have been predecessors of analytics.

- Data support systems (DSS)
- Operations research (OR) models
- Expert systems (ES)

What was the primary difference between the systems called MIS, DSS, and ESS?

- MIS provided reports on various aspects of business functions using captured information
- DSS added the ability to use data with models to address unstructured problems
- ESS added ability to capture understanding from experts and integrating it into systems via if-then-else rules or heuristics

Did DSS evolve into BI or vice versa?

DSS evolved into BI in the 2000s with the addition of data warehousing capabilities and began to be referred to as Business Information (BI) systems
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List 3 of the terms that have been predecessors of analytics.

  • OR: Operational Research
  • EIS: Executive information Systems
  • DSS: Decisions Support System

What was the primary difference between the systems called MIS, DSS and Executive Support Systems?

MIS: allowed periodic reporting of the past
DSS: helped decisions making, human and computer together
ESS: Intelligent DSS

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