Predictive Analytics II: Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics - Natural Language Processing

3 important questions on Predictive Analytics II: Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics - Natural Language Processing

How does NLP relate to text mining?

is an important component of text mining

What are some of the benefits and challenges of NLP?

  • Part-of-speech tagging
  • Text segmentation: some languages do not have single word boudaries. similar with speech segmentation because of sounds representing words and successive letters blend into each other
  • word sense disambiguation: words have >1 meaning. Context!
  • Syntactic ambiguity: grammar of natural language is ambiguous
  • Imperfect or irregular input: foreign or regional accents in speech and typgraphical or grammatical errors
  • Speech acts

Sentiment analysis

What are the most common tasks addressed by NLP?

question answering
automatic summarizing
natural language generation
natural language understanding
machine translation
foreign language reading
foreign language writing  
speech recognition
text proofing
optical character recognition

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