Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualisation - Business Reporting

4 important questions on Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualisation - Business Reporting

What is a report? What are reports used for?

A report is any communication artefact, with the specific intention of conveying (overbrengen) information in a digestible form to whoever needs it whenever and wherever they may need it.
Usually used to make decisions.

What is a business report? What are the main characteristics of a good business report?

Business reporting or BI is part of improved, evidence-based, optimal managerial decision making.
Clarity, brevity, completeness and correctness.

Describe the cyclic process of management, and comment on the role of business reports.

data acquisition --> information generation (reporting) --> decision making --> business process management
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List and describe the 3 major categories of business reports.

Metric management reports: outcome oriented metric. KPIs
Dashboard-type reports: different performance indicators on 1 page (color codes: red, orange, green)
Balanced scorecard-type reports: presents an integrated view of succes in an organization.

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