Predictive Analytics II: Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics - Web Mining Overview

4 important questions on Predictive Analytics II: Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics - Web Mining Overview

What are some of the main challenges the Web poses for knowledge discovery?

The Web is too big for effective data mining
The Web is too complex
The Web is too dynamic
The Web is not specific to a domain
The Web has everything

What is Web Mining? How does it differ from regular data mining or text mining?

or Web data mining; is the process of discovering intrinsic relationships (i.e. interesting and useful information) from Web data, which are expressed in the form of textual, linkage, or usage information. Is is essentially the same as  data mining that uses data generated over the Web.

What is Web content mining? How can it be used for competitive advantage?

Web content mining refers to the extraction of useful information from Web pages. It can be used for competitive intelligence, i.e. collecting intelligence about competitors' products, services and customers.
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What is Web structure mining? How does it differ from Web content mining?

Is the process of extracting useful information from the links embedded in Web documents. It is used to identify authoritative pages and hubs.

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