BIBA - Association Rules - Confidence

3 important questions on BIBA - Association Rules - Confidence

What is the confidence measure and what is the formula?

  • Compares the co-occurrence of items in antecedent and consequent to the occurrence of items in antecedent
  • Shows the percentage in which C appears with A

What can be said about the relationship of the support and confidence?

  • High value of confidence suggests a strong association rule, i.e., rule in which we are highly confident
  • Can be deceptive when antecedent and consequent are independent

What value can a lift ratio have and what does it say about the Antecedent and Consequent?

  • Lift is a value between 0 and infinity
  • Value>1 indicates that antecedent and consequent are dependent on each other, and the degree of which is given by its value. The larger the lift ratio, the greater the strength of the association
  • Value<1 indicates that the presence of antecedent will have negative effect on consequent
  • Value≈1 indicates that antecedent and consequent are independent and no rule can be derived from them

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