BIBA - K Nearest neighbours - Quizzes

6 important questions on BIBA - K Nearest neighbours - Quizzes

Quiz P.2
  • The prediction in the figure is a:
    • 1. True Positive
    • 2. False Positive
    • 3. False Negative
    • 4. True Negative

2. False Positive

Quiz P.3
  • The table shows the numbers of results given the actual and predicted class for technique X. What is the accuracy of the technique?

9/12 --> 3/4 --> 75%

What can be said about the area below the diagonal line and the graphs?

  • Area below diagonal line is prediction is opposite of the true class
  • Best model is closest to TP rate axis (blue)
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Which model is better and what is the most ideal area of ROC?

  • No model consistently outperform the other
    • M1 is better for small False Positive Ratios
    • M2 is better for large FPR
  • Area Under the ROC curve
    • Ideal:
      • Area = 1
    • Random guess:
      • Area = 0.5

What are the total costs and accuracy of the models?

M1: Acc = 80%
Cost = 3910

M2: acc= 90%
Cost = 4255

Calculate the kappa statistic of the table

  • Example:
    • Success rate of actual predictor = (88+40+12)/200 = 140/200 = 0.7
    • Success rate of random predictor = (60+18+4)/200 = 82/200 = 0.41
    • Kappa statistics = (0.7–0.41)/(1–0.41) = 0.492

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