BIBA - Association Rules - Introduction to Association Rules

4 important questions on BIBA - Association Rules - Introduction to Association Rules

Where are association rules for and how are they also called?

  • Identify item clusters in event-based or transaction-based databases
  • Association Rules also called:
    • Market basket analysis
    • Affinity analysis

Where are association rules used for in the real world?

  • Heavily used in retail for learning about items that are purchased together
  • Useful in several other fields:
    • A medical researcher might want to learn what symptoms appear together
    • In law, word combinations that appear too often might indicate plagiarism
  • Information can be used to
    • Make decisions on store layouts
    • Design the upcoming catalog
    • Identify customer segments based on buying patterns

How can you find association rules?

  • One itemset has many association rules
  • Every transaction is one itemset
    • → Supports several rules
  • Two-stage Process:
    • 1. Generation of frequent itemsets
      • i.e., Apriory algorithm
    • 2. Selecting the strong rules
      • i.e., criteria for judging the strength of the rules
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How can you generate rules?

  • → Detect candidates for indicating item associations
  • Ideal process (check all possible combinations):
    • Find all combinations of single items, pairs of items, triplets of items, and so on
    • Requires a long computation time (exponential)
  • Practical solution:
    • Consider only combinations that occur with higher frequency in the transactions, i.e., data set
    • Called frequent itemsets
    • Criterion for frequent is “support”

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