BIBA - Clustering - Introduction Neural Networks

6 important questions on BIBA - Clustering - Introduction Neural Networks

What is the difference between AI, ML and Deep Learning?

  • AI: Teaching a machine to do tasks that are “easy” for humans
  • ML: Recognize patterns in data: KNN, Decision Trees, Naïve bayes, etc
  • Neural Networks (DL): multiple “hidden” layers including many neurons

How does a neural network process data?

It evaluates an observations by computing the outcome via weights on layers and sum the score of all hidden layers to come up with the outcome.

What is a multilayer perceptron and how is the output computed?

  • Most simple form of a neural network is a multilayer perceptron perceptron and one perceptron = one neuron
  • Output = weighted sum of output previous layers + bias
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What is an activation function in a neural network?

  • Activiation function is something that makes sure the model is not linear, since you want to find non linear problems
  • Most simple activation function is Step function (binary)
    • If value>0 --> activate
    • If value <=0 --> do not activate

What is a sigmoid activation function and what is the problem with this function?

  • Function where you scale the probability between 0 and 1
  • Problem = if you output a zero all outputs of nodes are zero
    • can saturate and kill gradients if activation is 0 or 1
    • Binary logistic regression:

Code the MLP in Python

  • example_df = df
  • predictors = ['fat', 'salt']
  • outcome = 'acceptance'
  • X = example_df[predictors]
  • y = example_df[outcome]
  • classes = sorted(y.unique())
  • clf = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(3),
  • activation='logistic', solver='lbfgs’, random_state=1)
  •, y)
  • clf.predict(X)
  • # Network structure
  • print('Intercepts: \n’, clf.intercepts_, '\n')
  • print('Weights: \n’, clf.coefs_)
  • # Prediction
  • pd.concat([example_df, pd.DataFrame(clf.predict_proba(X), columns=classes)], axis=1)

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