BIBA - Performance Measures - Splitting

5 important questions on BIBA - Performance Measures - Splitting

What is recursive partitioning?

  • Algorithm examines:
  • 1. Each predictor variable
    • I.e., X1, X2, …
  • 2. All possible split values
    • I.e., each value in Xi

How can you decide what the best split is?

Calculate the informationg gain and measure the node impurity (Gini Index)

What is the gini index and what is the formula?

  • The m classes of the response variable by k= 1, 2, …, m
  • The proportion of instances that belong to class k as pk
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What is the entropy meassure and what is the formula?

  • The m classes of the response variable by k= 1, 2, …, m
  • The proportion of instances that belong to class k as pk

What is the combined impurity and what is the formula?

  • The combined impurity created by a split is a weighted average of the impurity measures weighted by the number of records in each split
  • Gini(1)*(n1/n1+n2) + Gini(2)*(n2/nbackground-colorfont-sizewhite-spacepre-wrap1+nbackground-colorfont-sizewhite-spacepre-wrap2)

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