BIBA - Performance Measures - Introduction Decision Trees

4 important questions on BIBA - Performance Measures - Introduction Decision Trees

What is a decision trees?

  • Popular classification technique (Data-driven method)

What are nodes used for in decision trees?

  • Conditions in the nodes give the splitting value on a predictor
  • The number inside the node gives the records after the split
  • The bracket provides the number of records per class: [not acceptor, acceptor]
  • The leaf nodes, named terminals, are marked with color to indicate a non-acceptor (orange) or acceptor (blue)

How does the main process of classification proceed?

  • Separate records into subgroups by creating splits on predictors
  • Splits create logical rules that are transparent and easily understandable
    • E.g., IF ... THEN Class = .
  • Resulting subgroups should be more homogeneous in terms of the outcome variable
    • Creating useful prediction or classification rules
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On what depends the specifying of the test condition?

  • Depends on attribute type
    • Nominal
    • Ordinal
    • Continuous
  • Depends on number of ways to split
    • Binary split, i.e., 2-way
    • Multi-way split

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