Linear Regression & Naïve Bayes

6 important questions on Linear Regression & Naïve Bayes

What are the objectives for single/multiple regression?

1. Predictive: Detect the outcome value for new records, given their input values
a. Given a new value for X, estimate the value for Y
2. Explanatory or descriptive: Quantifying / explaining the average effect of inputs on an outcome. Data are treated as a random sample from a larger population of interest.
a. Generate statements useful for decision making

What are possible issues with regression?

1. Overfitting: The outcome correspond exactly, or is extremely close, to the given data set. I.e.,
the model learns the existing data too well.

2. Underfitting: Model can’t accurately capture the data dependencies, Fails to identify effects
supported by the data, Usually this happens due to the model’s simplicity.

What is the consequence of overfitting?

a. Consequences: Model fails to include additional data or generates unreliable
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What is the consequence of underfitting?

Consequences: Model has bad generalization capabilities when applied with new

What are the negative aspects of Naïve Bayes?

  • Requires a very large number of records to obtain good results
  • Independence assumption may not hold for some attributes

What are the advantages of Naïve Bayes?

  • It has a probabilistic interpretation
  • It is able to deal with a small training set
  • It is able to deal with missing values

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