Functions and lines - Rates of change and behavior of grpahs

7 important questions on Functions and lines - Rates of change and behavior of grpahs

Average rate of change

Is btween two inputs values is the total change of the function values ( output values ) divided by the change in the input values

Find the average rate of change from the graph  -m

How to find the slope from the grpha

Find the average rate of change from a table values

How to find the m from the table value
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Find the average  rateof change using function notation

How to explanation and formulas

Find the average rat of change using funcation notaion

Example how to find m from interval notation

Mariginal cost- profit

Marginal cost is typically defined as the change in the total cost of items produced increases by one. Likewise, marginal revenue and marginal profit are change in revenue and profit if the number of items increases by one.

Graphical behavior of funcations

When the function chnage how the graphical behavior of functions change.

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