The nature of business and management research - Propositions and hypotheses

6 important questions on The nature of business and management research - Propositions and hypotheses

What is a proposition?

A statement about concepts that may be judged as true or false if it refers to observable phenomena.

What is hypothesis? What is its nature?

This is a proposition formulated for empirical testign. A hypothesis is of tentatie and conjectural nature. 
Hypothesis is a statement in which we assign variables to cases.

What is a good hypothesis?

A good hypothesis should fulfill three conditions.

1. Adequate for its purpose (clearly state the condition, size or distribution of some variables that are meaningful to the research task)

2. Testable (Does not require techniques which are unavailable, does not require an explanation that defies known laws, there are consequences that can be deduced for testing purposes)

3. Better than its rivals (greater range, explains more facts, explains a greater variety of facts, is simple)

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What is a descriptive hypothesis and the advantages of using it?

Descriptive hypothesis state existence, size, form or distriburion of some variable. Either in questions or statements.
--> encourgages researcher to crystalize thinking about likely relationship to be found
--> think about implications of supported or rejected findings
--> useful for testing statistical significance.

Examples: "Executive Jones as a higher achievement motivation." "Has executive Jones a higher achievement motivation?"

What are the 2 types of Relational hypotheses and advantages?

Descripe a relatiohip between two variables with respect to a case.
-- correlational hypotheses: variables occur togehter in some specified manner without implying that one causes the other.
-- explanatory (causal) hypothesses: change in one variable causes or leads to chagne inthe other. IV causes DV (does not have to be sole reason)

What are the functions of the hypothesis?

- guides the direction of the study
- identifies facts that are relevant and ones that are not
- suggest appropriate research design
- provides framework for organizaing conclusions

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