Literature review - Process and organization

4 important questions on Literature review - Process and organization

What is the process which is repeated each and everytime during a literature review?

1. Searching info
2. Assessing the obtained info
3. Synthesizing the assessment of information

What are the 5 steps in literature search?

1. Defining management dilemma/question
2. Consulting encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks and textbooks to identify key terms/objects relevant to the management dilemma/question.
3. Apply these key terms to searching indexes, bibliographies and the web to identify specific secondary sources.
4. Locate and review specific secondary sources for relevance.
5. Evaluate the value of each source and its content.

What is the literature search process?

Step 1
Build information pool
Step 2
Apply filter to reduce pool size.
- Use boolean operators
- Focus on top journals and publishers
- Focus on specific sectors, countries etc.
Step 3
Rough assessment of sources to reduce pool size
- Read abstracts and titles of books (chapters)
- Classigy them into important, probably important, not important.
Step 4
Analyse literature in pool
- Find new sources through references
- Classify literature according to theoretical perspective, research design, results, and detect possible gaps.
Step 5
Refine filters (back to step 2) or stop search
- Refine search terms and combinations
- Try new search terms.
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Which elements should the writing of a plan for a literature review contain?

1. The aims and objectives of the review
2. The audience for the review
3. A brief summary of your main points
4, A draft outline
5. A list of the main material you have selected.

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