The research process and proposal - Management research and measurement questions

14 important questions on The research process and proposal - Management research and measurement questions

What is the management research question hierarchy?

Outcome of starting with the most basic dilemma and develop other qustions from here.
The hierarchy can be as follows:
- research dilemma (what symtoms cause management concern?)
- management questions (how can management capitalize on an opportunity?)
- research questions (what courses of action are avialable and which should be considered?)
- investigative questions (what does the manager need to know to choose the best altnerative of the availables?)
- measurement questions (what should be asked/observed to obtain the info the managr needs?)
- decision (what is the recommended cours eof action?)

Explain the management research question hierarchy

The management research question hierarchy consists of 6 steps.

1. Research dillema
-> What symptoms cause management concern?

2. Management questions
-> How can management eliminate the negative symptoms.

3. Research questions
-> What are the possible courses of action to eliminate the problem or the use the opportunities?

4. Investigative questions
-> What does the manager need to know to choose the best alternative?

5. Measurement questions
-> What should be asked or observed to pbtain the information the
manager needs.

6. Decision
-> What is the recommended course of action, given the research findings?

What are the categories of management questions and what do they aim to research?

- choice of purpose or objectives ("what do we want to achieve?'), explaining inconsistencies
- generation and evaluation of solutions ('How can we achieve he ends we seek?, usually concrete problems)
- troubleshooting or control sitjaton ("How well is our programme meeting its goals?") usually involves monitoring and diagnosing
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How do you get from research dilemma to management question?

The dilemma is the issue itself, wheras the management question phrases the dilemma as a researchable question.

Example: The dilemma is high costs, then the management question can become: What should be done to reduce costs

What is an exploration, why & when is it useful?

Exploration is useful in several locations in the research process.
It starts with the collection of available data (literature, books, periodicals, experts).
It is useful to adjust and revise the management questions and to determine what is needed to secure answers tot he proposed questions.

What are the management question categories?

1. Choice of purpose or objective
 - This type of question aims at questions like "What do we want to achieve?"
2. Generation and evaluation of solutions
 - "How can we achieve the ends we seek?"
3. Troubleshooting or control situation.
 - This question usually involves monitoring or diagnosing various ways in which an organisation is failing to achieve its established goals.

What is the step from management question to research question?

A management question has to be shaped to a direct researchable hypothesis. The hypotheses formulated are part of the research question.

What is a research question? Who should formulate it?

facto-oriented information-gathering question. It is the hypothesis of choice that best states the objectie of the research study.

Depending on whether the researcher is part of the decision making, he should be involved or not in the formulation. (not part = minimal involvement)

How do we get from the research questions to the investigative questions?

The breaking down of research questions into researchable components is the process of creating investigative questions. So these questions reveal the specific pieces of information which are needed in order to answer the research question.

In the fine-tuning phase, more question-related activities should be adressed to make it better, whihc ones?

- are concepts adn constructs defined satisfactory?
- can research questions be breaking down further?
- do hypothesis meet the quality criteria?
- what evidence must be collected to answer the hypothesis?
- what is NOT part of the research question; set the scope!

What are the two types of measurement questions?

1. Pre-designed or pre-tested questions
-> Questions/measurement tools, which have been developed and tested by previous researchers. This improves validity, and decreases the cost.
2. Custom-designed questions.
-> Creating specific measurement methods for this research project only.

What will happen with poorly defined research question

researcher needs further exploration and question revision to refine the original question and to generate the material necessary to construct suitable investigatie questions

After the research questions, researcher needs to think at a more specific level --> nvestigative questions. What are these?

they reveal specific pieces of inofrmation mangener feels he/she needs to know in order to answer the question.
Researcher takes general research question and breaksit into more specific questions about which to gather data. --> increasing levels of specificity.

At completion of project-planning activities, measurement questions shoudl e outlined. Which two types of measuremetn questions are there?

1. pre-designed or pre-tested questoins (formulated and tested by previous researchers)
2. custom designed questions (tailored to investigative questions)

--> measurement questions are the ones we ask respondents, they appear in a questerinare.

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