The research process and proposal - The research proposal

12 important questions on The research process and proposal - The research proposal

What is the basic content of a research proposal? What should it entail at minimum?

1. statement of the research question
2. brief description of the methodology

What is the purpose of a research proposal?

- present the managmenet or research question to be researched and relate its importance
- discuss the research efforts of others who have worked on relatied magnement questions
- suggest the data necessary for solving th question and how the data will be gathered, treated and interpreted

--> it is also a roadmap, indicating where it begins, ends,e tc.
--> it is also a planning tool (forces to specify the question)

What is in a research proposal?

1. Statement of the research question -> including management dilemma, management question, and categories of investigative questions.
2. Brief description of the research methodology. -> Reveals the backbone of the research and includes the measurement devices to be used, time and cost budgets, ampling plans and many other details.
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Why is the proposal beneficial for the sponsor? Why for the researcher?

Sponsor: it serves as a catalyst for discussion between perosn conducting the research and the mnager, it can be a guideline for the research goal to be achieved.
Researcher: it encourages researcher to make logical steps.

What's the difference between internal and external research proposals?

Internal proposals are very brief and do not emphasize literature review and bibliography, and since management insists on a quick and brief proposal concerning the issue. Wheras external proposals, are more detailed and longer, they usually include a executive summary.

WHat is the difference between an internal and exernal proposal? When do they apply?

internal: produed by staff specialists or research department within the fim.  (more short)
External: sponsored by grants, agencies, etc (can be solicited or unsolicited) (more extesive)

What are the levels of complexity of proposals?

Most complex: large scale contract research, large scale studies,
Medium: small-scale contract research, small scale study
Least: explanatory research, explanatory contract research

The more complex, the more pages a proposal

What is the sturcture of a proposal?

It is flexible but this is the general content should be:
executive summary, problem statement, research objectives, literature reveiw, importance/benefits study, research design, data analysis, nature and form of results, qualifications of the researcher, budget, schedule, facilities, project management, bibliography, appendices, measurement instrument.

What should be in problem statemnet?

Problem statement: stating management dilemma, background, cosequences and management question, emphasizes importance of anserwing managmenet question (if it is not mentioned elsewhere in the proposal) it is important to distinguish primary problesm from related problems. It shoudl not have idioms or clichés.

What should be stated in research objectives?

purpose of the investigation.
If it is a descriptive study, the objectives can be stated as the research question.
If iti s a causal study, the research questions can be restated as hypothesis.
They should be separated from the text forthe flow of quick identification

What does the design module descripe in the research proposal?

technical terms what you're going to do.
include sub-sections to show phases of the project. provide info on: sample selection and size, data-collection method, instrumentation, procedures and ethical requirements.
Discuss why you rejected others and this one is superior.

How can a proposal be evaluated?

Internal one usually informally, external ones usually have to match certain criteria.

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