Sampling strategies - Sample versus Census

4 important questions on Sampling strategies - Sample versus Census

When is a census better than a sample?

When population is small and the variability within the population is high.
Census is feasible when population is small and elements are quite different from each other.

When is a census study appropriate? 

When the population is small and when the elements significantly differ from each other.

WHat makes a good sample?

How well it represents the characteristics of the population it purports to represent.
--> the sample must be valid
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What does the representitiveness of a sample depend on?

Representativity of a sample depends on two considerations: accuracy and precision.
Accuraccy = the degree to which bias is absent from the sample, no systematic variance.
Precision = precision of estimate, (small sampling error, sampling error reflects the influences of change; it is what is left after all known sources of systematic variance have been accounted for).

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