Sampling strategies - Unit af analysis

3 important questions on Sampling strategies - Unit af analysis

What is the unit of analyses? What does it do? What are common units of analyses?

describes the level at which the research is performed and which objects are researched.
People or individuals are common unit of analysis.
Higher level also: But also organizations, divisions, departments or more general groups can be unit of analysis. Also lower level: management decisions, transactions or contracts can be unit of analysis.

In which ways can we define the unit of analysis?

1. What is the research problem and what do we want to answer?
2. What do we need to measure the answer to the problem?
3. What do we want with the results/whom do we address in our conclusion?

What questions can we ask ourself to clarify the choice of the unit of analyses?

  • What is the research problem we really want to answer
  • what do we need to measure to answer our research problem?
  • what do we want to do with the results of the study/whom do we address in our conclusions

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