Measurement & Scales - Characteristics of sound measurement

7 important questions on Measurement & Scales - Characteristics of sound measurement

By which criteria can a measurement tool be evaluated?

- validity (does it measure what it wants to measure)
- reliability (accuracy & precision of measurement procedure)
- practicality (economy, convenience and interpretability)

What is exteranal validity?

refers to data's ability to be generalizable across persons, settings and times

What doe we mean with the validity of measurements?

does is measure what it is purported to measure?
Differences found with measuring tool reflect true differences among participants being tested (difficulty is that one does not know what the true differences are)
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We can test measurement validity on three scales/types, which ones?

- content validity (extent to which it provides adequate coverage of the investigative questions of the study, can be tetsten judgemental or panel evaluation of content validity ratio))
- criterion-related validity (success of measures used for prediction or estimation, can be tested with correlation)
- construct validity (what accounts for variance ofthe measure? --> attempts to identify underlying constructs

What are the criteria for reliability?

- stability: if you can secure consistent results with repeated measurements of the same perosom with the same instruemnt (difficult to test with surveying, because you can survey only once..., leads to test-retest)
- equivalence: variations at one point in time among observers. Compare scoring of a same event.
- internal consistency: homogenity among the items.

How can reliability be improved? What can a researcher do to improve reliability?

- minimze exteral sources of variation
- standardzie conditions under which measurements occurs
0 broaden sample of measurement questions used
- exclude data from analysis drawn from questions eliciting extreme responses

How can a measurement be practical? What criteria does it have to meet?

- economy(rising cost of personal interviewing leads to surveys)
- convenience
- inerpretability

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