Language in qualitative research

7 important questions on Language in qualitative research

What are two approaches of fine-grained approached for analysing language in business research?

Conversation analysis
Discource analysis

What is conversation analysis?

•Conversation analysis (CA) is the fine-grained analysis of talk as it occurs in interaction in naturally occurring situations.
• The talk is usually recorded and transcribed so that detailed   analyses can be carried out.

• These analyses are concerned with the underlying structures of talk in interaction and as such with the achievement of order through interaction.

What are the elements of conversation analysis?

The roots of CA lie in ethnomethodology:
conversation as the basic form through which social order is achieved
indexicality - the meaning of words is contextually grounded
reflexivity - talk is constitutive of the social context in which it occurs
For CA practitioners:
context refers to the specific here-and-now context of immediately preceding talk

For most qualitative researchers:
context has wider set of resonances, i.e. action is understood in terms of the values, beliefs, and typical modes of behaviour of a group
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What is discourse analysis?

Can be applied to forms of communication other than talk

What are two distinctive features at level of epistomology and ontology of DA?

  • It is anti-realist: it denies that there is an external reality awaiting a definitive portrayal by the researcher
  • It is constructionist

What are tools for framing rhetorical devices?

Contrast  - a subject is described in terms of its opposite in order to reinforce a point
List - usually composed of three parts - the minimum to show there is a group of items

Headline-Punchline/Puzzle-Solution - creating the opportunity to present a punchline or solution by first presenting a headline or puzzle

Position taking - giving a fairly neutral description of a state of affairs and then strongly agreeing or disagreeing with it

Pursuit, repetition, alliteration - actively pursuing audience reactions by repeating or otherwise stressing                      

What are the differences between DA & CA?

DA is in certain respects a more flexible approach to language in business research than CA - it is not solely concerned with the analysis of naturally occurring talk, since practitioners also use documents and research interviews in their work.

DA permits the intrusion of understandings of what is going on that are not specific to the immediacy of previous utterances. It is precisely this to which CA objects.

For DA, phenomena like interpretative repertoires are very much part of the context within which talk occurs, whereas in CA they are inadmissible evidence.

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