Qualitative data analysis - General strategies of qualitative data analysis

4 important questions on Qualitative data analysis - General strategies of qualitative data analysis

What are problems of analytic induction?

  • Rigorous process
  • The final explanation is sufficient for the phenomenon but rarely specify the necessary conditions

What are two central issues in grounded theory?

Concerned with development of theory out of data and the approach is iterative or recursive (=data collection and analysis proceed in tandem, repeatedly referring back to each other)

What are tools of grounded theory?

  • Theoretical sampling: process of data collection for generating theory whereby the analyst jointly collects, codes, and analyses his data and decides what data to collect next and where to find them, in order to develop his theory as it emerges.
  • Coding: data are broken down into component parts
    • Open coding
    • Axial coding
    • Selective coding
  • Theoretical saturation: carry one sampling theoretically until a category has been saturated with data.
  • Constant comparison: close connection between data and conceptualization, so that the correspondence between concepts and categories with their indicators is not lost.
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What are outcomes of grounded theory?

  • Concepts: Refers to the labels given to discrete phenomena
  • Category, categories: a concept that has been elaborated that is regarded as representing real-world phenomena. Higher level of abstraction than concepts
  • Properties: Attributes or aspects of a category
  • Hypotheses: Initial hunches about relationships between concepts
  • Theory: 'set of well-developed categories that are systematically related through statements of relationships to form a theoretical framework that explains some relevant social or other phenomenon.

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