Writing up - Reflexivity

4 important questions on Writing up - Reflexivity

What are the two meanings of reflexivity?

  • Ethnomethodologists: it refers to the way in which speed and action are constitutive of the social world in which they are located.
  • It carriers the suggestion that business researchers should reflect on the implications of their methods, values, biases, and decisions for the knowledge of the social world they generate and should try to be aware of how personal habits and implicit assumptions affect their approach to study

What is methodological reflexivity?

Involves monitoring the behavioral impact of the researcher's action on the social setting under investigation and detailing the nature of these effects in research writing

What is deconstructive reflexivity?

It entails the researcher questioning his or her own taken-for-granted beliefs and accepting that there will always be multiple valid accounts of a research project.
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What is epistemic reflexivity?

Seeking out new models of engagement with research subjects that are more amenable to the co-creation of knowledge through the adoption of more participatory approaches

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