Ethnography and participant observation - Roles for ethnographers

3 important questions on Ethnography and participant observation - Roles for ethnographers

What roles are suggested by Gans?

1. Total participant – the ethnographer is completely involved in a certain situation and has to resume a researcher stance once the situation has unfolded and then write down notes
2. Researcher-participant – the ethnographer participates in a situation but is only semi-involved, so that he can function fully as a researcher in the course of the situation
3. Total researcher – entails observation without involvement in the situation

What is the difference between Gold and Gans?

According to Gold, the ethnographers has the same role during the whole ethnography while Gans suggests that the role is flexible.

Why is going native a potential problem?

Going native is a potential problem for several reasons but especially because the ethnographer can lose sight of their position as a researcher and find it difficult to develop a social scientific angle on the collection and analysis of data.

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