The nature of qualitative research

6 important questions on The nature of qualitative research

What are three features that are particular for qualitative research methods?

  1. Inductive view of the relationship between theory and research
  2. An epistemological position described as interpretivist (= the stress is on the understanding of the social world though an examination of the interpretation of that world by its participants
  3. An ontological position described as constructionist, which implies that social properties are outcomes of interactions between individuals

What are four traditions of qualitative research according to Gubrium & Holstein?

  • Naturalism: Seeks to understand social reality in its own terms; 'as it really is'; provides rich descriptions of people and interaction in natural settings
  • Ethnomethodology: seeks to understand how social order is created through talk and interaction
  • Emotionalism: exhibits a concern with subjectivity and gaining access to 'inside experience' concern with the inner reality of humans.
  • Postmodernism: there is an emphasis on 'method talk'; sensitive to the different social reality can be constructed

What are the main research methods associated with qualitative research?

  • Ethnography/ participant observation
  • Qualitative interviewing
  • Focus groups
  • Language-based approaches: such as discourse analysis and conversation analysis
  • Collection and qualitative analysis of texts and documents
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According to who is the focus on inductive view of grounded theory shifting?

Glaser and Strauss (1967)

According to who has qualitative research an important role in theory testing as well?


What is the distinction between definitive and sensitizing concepts according to Blumer?

Definitive concepts: the way in which quantitative research becomes fixed through the elaboration of indicators. Concerned with what is common to the phenomena that the concept is supposed to subsume, rather than with variety. Not suitable for social research
Sensitizing concepts: provide a general sense of reference and guidance in approaching empirical instances. Suitable for social research.

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