Archival research - Reliability and validity in archival research

7 important questions on Archival research - Reliability and validity in archival research

How to solve the problem that data is missing?

  • Listwise deletion
  • Mean-substitution --> replace missing value for observation i and variable j or take the average value on variable j for all other observations

What is inaccurately recorded data?

Data that is divergent from all other data points, outliners or extremums

How to solve inaccurately recorded data?

  • Remove the inaccurate observations (run analysis with and without the observation)
  • Trim / truncate (in large data sets) remove a fraction of observations
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How to include multi-item measures in archival research?

  • Arbitrarily pick one of the measures
  • Create a composite mesaure
    • Should be interrelated > calculate cronbach's alpha

What is measurement validity in archival research?

How big is the overlap between construct and measure, if the overlap is considerable then the measure is valid

How to improve internal validity in archival research?

Include control variables in the analysis. This way you can filter out or isolate the control variables effects from the relationship between the variables of interest

How to make sure the external validity is secured in archival research?

Always read the documents explaining the methodology behind archival data bases.

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