Archival research - Piecing together archival data

5 important questions on Archival research - Piecing together archival data

What is internal archival data?

Data that is collected and stored by the company that conducts/orders the research. (customers records, sales invoices etc.)

What is external archival data?

Data that is collected and stored by sources outside a company, and taht are not exclusively available to that company but can be used by anyone.

What is publicy available external archival data?

Data that is available for free for the entire world to use
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What are examples of publicly available data?

  • Government publications
  • World bank
  • OECD
  • Annual reports

What are examples of commercially available data sets?

  • Compustat, ORBIS (acounting data)
  • Datastream (stock price data)
  • SDC (Alliance data)
  • Execucomp (CEO data)
  • Nielsen data (consumer & retailer panel data)

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