Qualitative research - The basics of qualitative research - Validity in qualitative research

9 important questions on Qualitative research - The basics of qualitative research - Validity in qualitative research

What are two threats to internal validity in qualitative research?

  • Researcher bias
  • Respondent bias

What is researcher bias?

The influence of a researcher's prior knowledge and assumptions on his study (Selective perception and interpretation)

What is respondent bias?

Participants not providing honest responses to the researcher (authority bias and conformity bias)
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Name three ways to increase internal validity for qualitative research

  • Triangulation
  • Peer debriefing
  • Member checking
  • Negative case analysis

What is peer debriefing?

Receiving feedback from other people at different stages of the research

What is member checking?

Testing the merging findings with the research participants.

What is negative case analysis?

Analyzing those cases that do not match the trends or patterns emerging from the rest of the data

What is authority bias

The tendency to blindy follow or believe the instructions and views of a person in authority

What is conformity bias

Individuals sway their opinion to match the opinion of the majority. The first respondents influence the responses of the others

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