Experimental lab research - The basics of experimental lab research

4 important questions on Experimental lab research - The basics of experimental lab research

When do we speak of causality?

  1. X and Y co-occur (correlation)
  2. A logical explanation for the effect of X on Y is needed
  3. X proceeds Y in time
  4. No other cause (Z) explains the co-occurrence of X and Y

What are ways to manipulate the IV?

  • Presence vs. Absence (bonus versus no bonus)
  • Frequency (high bonus versus low bonus)
  • Type (punishment v.s. Reward)

When to use lab experiments?

  • When you need a lot of control over the research environment to rule out alternative explanations
  • When the numver of independent (and moderator) variables is limited and when they can be manipulated
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What is an experimental condition?

The condition given to de independent variable.
example: low bonus, medium bonus and high bonus. The number of experimental conditions in this example is 3

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