Defining the Problem and Developing Theory - Developing a theoretical framework

10 important questions on Defining the Problem and Developing Theory - Developing a theoretical framework

What is included in developing a theoretical framework?

  1. Defing the variables the are included in the study
  2. Building the conceptual model
  3. Formulating expectations, hypotheses for the realtionships between variables

What makes a good variable defenition?

  • Informative variable name (if possible short)
  • Variable definition without jargon
    • Based on a careful literature review
    • Unless very obvious
  • One or two supporting references per variable definition

What to do if many different definitions of a variable exist in literature?

  • Acknowledge the major differences
  • End with a definition that focuses on the shared meaning across definitions or pick one definition and justify why
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What makes a good hypothesis?

  • Testable (measurable variables)
  • Justified using logical arguments (based on theory)
  • Unambiguously phrased

What are the two types of Hypotheses?

  • Directional hypotheses (gives the direction of the hypothese, weaker stronger, negative positive)
  • Undirectional hypotheses ( does not give the direction of the hypothese)

If possible directional is preferd, undirectional is lazy

How to jusitified a hypothesis?

Argumentation leading to the hypothesis is key:
  • First argue why the hypothesis is plausbile
    • Based on literature
    • pitfall: Author X has said so, so it must be true
  • Then conlcude with the hypothesis
    • This lead to the following hypothesis

What are the two statistical hypothesis?

  • Null hypothesis
    • Express no relationship between variables
    • Set up in order to be rejected (in favor of the alternate hypothesis)
  • Alternate hypothesis
    • Expresses a relationship between variables
    • = research hypothesis


How to word the hypotheses when both variables are quantitative?

  • There is a positive/negative relation between X and Y
  • X has a positive/negative effect on Y
  • Increasing the level of X leads to higher/lower Y

How to word the hypothese when a categorical variable is the cause and a quantitative variable is the effect?

Mean earn more than woman

How to word the hypotheses when a quantitative variable is the cause and a categorical variable is the effect

Downsizing decreases/increases the likelihood of bankruptcy

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