Collecting & analyzing data - How to structure a data set

5 important questions on Collecting & analyzing data - How to structure a data set

What is Unit of analysis?

The unit of analysis is the entity or subject that you are studying and that you wish to say something about at the end of the study

What are examples of UoA?

  • Individuals (consumers, investors,...)
  • Firms (multinationals, SMEs,......)
  • Groups (Board of directors, alliances,.....)
  • Things (Products, brands,....)
  • Geograpical units (cities, regions, countries,...)

What are the levels of the unit of analysis?

The levels go from higher level to lower level, the lower levels are netsed within the higher levels. (higher lvl = more aggregate lvl)
  • Higher lvl  --> Country
        • Industry
        • Firm
        • Brand
  • Lower lvl   --> Consumer
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How is a data set structured?

The rows capture the obeservations, the number of rows equal the number of subjects (consumers, firms etc.) and every column displays a variable. A variable can take on different values for different subjects

On what level should the independent variable be measured?

The independent variables should be measured at the UoA level or at a higher, more aggregate level

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