Survey research - Survey measures

6 important questions on Survey research - Survey measures

What are the types of questions that can be asked in a survey?

  • An open-ended or a colsed-endend question
  • a single-item of multi-item measure
  • an off-the-shelf measure or an own-developed measure

What are the three types of closed-ended questions?

  • Ranking questions (respondent is asked to rank order something)
  • Rating questions (respondent is asked to rate a statement)
  • Categorical questions (respondent's answer can fit only one category)

What are the criteria for categorical scales?

  • Should be mutually exclusive: only 1 answer applies
  • Should be collectively exhaustive: the answer possibilities cover the entire realm of possible answers
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What is a multi-item measure?

Measure that consists of multiple questions

Advantages off-the-shelf scales (mulit-item measure)

  • Known and good validity and reliability
  • Comparability of results
  • Low cost

What are the criteria for developing questions?

  • Avoid double barreled questions
  • Avoid ambiguous questions
  • Avoid leading questions
  • Avoid loaded questions
  • Avoid double negatives

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