Experimental field research - Reliability and validity in experimental field research

5 important questions on Experimental field research - Reliability and validity in experimental field research

What does the dependent variable in experimental field research caputure?

Real behavior

How can the measurement validity in experimental reserach be demonstrated?

  1. Providing precedence (has this measure been used before)
  2. Using sound logic (why does this measure capture the variable)

What is meany by non-compliance / failure-to-treat?

Subjects that are supposed ro receive the treatment do not recieve it
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What is measurement reliability in field experiments?

  • Often no opportunity to measure variables
  • Sometimes you can measure things like NPS or satisfaction with an auditor
  • To demosntrate internal consistency, use Cronbach's aplha

What is measurement reliability in field experiments?

  • Often no opportunity to measure variables
  • Sometimes you can measure things like NPS or satisfaction with an auditor
  • To demosntrate internal consistency, use Cronbach's aplha

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