Qualitative research - The basics of qualitative research - Collecting primary qualitative data

5 important questions on Qualitative research - The basics of qualitative research - Collecting primary qualitative data

Where does focus-group data constist of?

  • Tape recordings
  • Transcripts of recordings
  • The moderator's notes from the discussion

What are characteristics of a complete participant?

  • The researcher tries to become a member of the group which he is researching
  • The researcher does not reveal his true purpose to those he is observing

What are characteristics of a complete observer?

  • The researcher does not reveal his purpose to those he is observing
  • The researcher does not take part in the activities of those he is observing
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Charactersitics of an observer-as-participant

  • The researcher does not take part as a member of the group which he is observing
  • The researcher reveals his true purpose to those he is observing

Characteristics of a participant-as-observer

  • The researcher takes part as a member of the group which he is observing
  • The researcher reveals his true purpose to those he is observing

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