Choosing a research strategy - Correlational v.s. causal research strategies

5 important questions on Choosing a research strategy - Correlational v.s. causal research strategies

What is  causal research strategy?

Test whether changes in one variable actually result in (cause) changes in another variable. (variables are manipulated)

What is correlational research strategy?

Test wheter a change in one variable is associated with (or related to) a change in another variable (variables are not manipulated)

What are the conditions of causality?

  • X and Y Co-occur (correlate)
  • A logical explanation for the effect of X on Y is needed
  • X proceeds Y in time
  • No other cause (Z) explains the co-occurrence of X and Y
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How to control third factors in experiments (causal studies)?

Implicity; By randomly assinging subjects to treatment conditions

How to control third factors in correlations studies?

Explicitly; By incorporating the third factors as control variables

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