Defining the Problem and Developing Theory - Variables

5 important questions on Defining the Problem and Developing Theory - Variables

What is a variable?

An element, feature or factor that is liable to vary or change

Which criteria must a variable meet?

  • Variables should vary in the context of your study
    • take on omre than one value (numerical or categorical_
  • Two types of variation possible
    • Variation acrooss subjects
    • Variation over time
  • Variables should carry unmabiguous names

What is meant by variables can vary across subjects?

The variable can vary over different persons, firms, industries, countries, products etc. At the same point in time
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What is meant by the variable can vary over time?

The variable can vary within the same subject (person, frims etc) over time

What is meant by variables should carry unambiguous names?

In choosing the variable name make sure it can only be interpreted in one way not im multiple ways (ambigous)

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