Formulating Strategy

23 important questions on Formulating Strategy

Apart from the SWOT analysis, what other confrontation analysis measures are there?

1. Directional Policy Matrix
2. Boston consulting group matrix

What are the steps of a SWOT analysis?

1. Outline the Ss,Ws, Os and Ts
2. Find connections to see if the positives can be used to overcome the negatives
3. Identify extent to which strengths can be taken advantage of and how the threats can be minimized through it

What are the 3 broad ranges of strategic options?

1. Continuing current strategy
2. Selling the company
3. Strategic change
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What is gap analysis?

A tool that compares the expected future performance of the firm with its objectives. Used to evaluate whether or not the company needs to change and to what degree.

What 3 lines does the gap analysis form?

1. Extrapolation of the firm's current performance to predict the future of the company
2. Extrapolation that is based on worst-cased-scenario, calculated as if all threats came true
3. The position mapping of where the company wants to be on a certain point in time, based on strategic objectives

When is selling the company the best strategic option?

When the gap between expected and desired performance is very large. Owners can make more profit by selling the company to a buyer who can leverage the company resources and then reinvest their money than to keep their company

When is changing the current strategy the best strategic option?

When the gap between the expected and desired performance cannot be closed easily.

What 2 choices need to be made when formulating a new strategy?

1. Choice about generic strategies - deals with positioning of a firm
2. Formulating strategy that is in par with all the elements of strategy as stated by Colis and Rukstad, deals with the design school

From what 2 fundamental types of competitive advantage are the 3 generic strategies derived? And what 2 types of market scope?

1. Low costs
2. Premium costs

1. Narrow scope
2. Broad scope

What are the characteristics of the cost leadership generic strategy?

1. Producing at lower cost than competitors
2. Usually for a quite standard product/service
3. Minimum level of satisfaction is achieved on limited set of attributes that customer perceives as relevant, also at low cost
4. Continuous cost reduction and focus on efficiency for cost advantage
5. High chance of success in industries where scale and scope advantages are achievable and sustainable.

What are the characteristics of the differentiation generic strategy?

1. Setting product/service apart from competitor in terms of what is highly valued by customer
2. By adding features to product that add surplus value, firm is able to charge premium prices
3. Premium prices cannot be related to just physical attributes
4. Established by brand reputation and image
5. Must be accompanied with persuasive marketing information to convince customer of high value of the product
6. High chance of success in markets where broad range of customer needs can be identified

What are the characteristics of the focus generic strategy?

1. Hard to reach entire population so SMEs target niche markets
2. Using cost leadership or differentiation in a very narrow market scope (niche market)
3. Emphasis on satisfying particular needs of customers
4. Requires full understanding of the niche market and the buyer behaviour of the target customers

What is industry analysis?

Asks if the experience curve effects apply to the company and if the scale and scope advantage are achievable

What does a good strategy statement contain according to Collis and Rukstad?

1. Strategic objectives - should be Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timed (SMART)
2. Scope - indicates where company is competing, describes which specific market segment or product-market they aim to serve
3. Competitive advantage - explains why a firm is better/different from competing firms

Which 2 elements of competitive advantage complement each other?

Value proposition and activities the firm performs.

How are value proposition and the generic strategy of cost leadership linked?

Value proposition is in this case to deliver at lowest price

How are value proposition and the generic strategy of differentiation linked?

The value proposition in this case is that the firm wants to set its product apart from the competitors in regard to a higher value dimension to charge premium prices

What do generic strategy and formulation of strategy statements describe?

1. What the firm wants to achieve
2. How it wishes to compete
3. Where it wishes to compete

What are the most common strategic moves?

1. Mergers and acquisitions - shortcut to acquire resources and organisational skills, can be costly however
2. Horizontal integration - 2/more firms integrate to combine resources, make skills available and gain access to important distribution channels and gain market share quickly
3. Backward integration/vertical integration - firm becomes its own supplier, happens through merger/acquisition of existing supplier, and gives firm in question more control
4. Forward integration - integration with player later in supply chain, allows for more control over distribution
5. Strategic alliance - cooperative agreement between 2 companies to achieve common goal.

What 3 categories do Johnson and Scholes distinguish strategies in?

1. Suitability - how appropriate is the strategy to the firm and environmental circumstances
2. Feasibility - whether the strategy can be implemented, and if enough resources are available
3. Acceptability - overseeing consequences of strategy, looks at risks with strategy and reactions from stakeholders

What are the 4 matrix possibilities of the strengths and weaknesses matrix?

1. O + S = use strengths to exploit opportunities
2. O + W = correct weaknesses to exploit opportunities
3. T + S = use strengths to combat threats
4. T + W = correct weaknesses to combat threats

How does cost-leadership protect from the 5 forces?

1. Rivalry - low cost leaves enough margin to engage in rivalry. low cost is not low price
2. Buyer power - customers will come back to your company due to low prices
3. Supplier power - even if suppliers threaten to raise prices, this will affect competitors more as cost leader has biggest margins and can therefore take biggest loss in theory
4. Threat of new entrants - likely reason for your low costs is scale economy, which is hard to enter as a new one
5. Threat of substitutes - as cost leader you are best positioned to match this tradeoff

How does the differentiation protect against the 5 forces?

1. Rivalry - you are not rivalling on price, which is where profitability takes biggest hit
2. Buyer power - might enhance switching costs, which reduces buyer power for your product
3. Supplier power - differentiation allows you to ask higher prices and therefore have higher margin, which makes the hit from supplier price raises less.  
4. Threat of new entrants - more loyalty because of differentiation, leads to barrier for entrants
5. Threat of substitutes - differentiated product might imply switching costs.

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