A healthy diet - Nutrients

7 important questions on A healthy diet - Nutrients

What does your body need in addition to the nutrients to keep it healthy?

  • Water: it accounts for 70% of body weight and provides support for the cells. It carries dissoved materials around an controls the body temperature.
  • fibre

How are sugar molecules linked together?

In ong chains to make larger molecules such as starch.

Which two kinds of fats are there?

  • solid fats produced by animals, such as lard
  • liquid fat or oil produced by plants, such as sunflower oil
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What do the atoms of the proteins do?

The atoms of these elements join together to make molecules of amino acids. Amino acids link together into long chains to form protein molecules.

What happened with the names of the vitamins?

when vitamins were first discoverer, they were named after letters of the alphabet. Later, when the chemical structure of their molecules ha been worked out, they were given chemical names

How many different minerals does your body need to keep it healthy?

twenty different minerals

In what amounts are minerals needed?

some minerals, such as calcium, are needed in large amounts but others, such as zinc, are needed in tiny amounts and are known as trace elements.

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