CAE Gold

19 important questions on CAE Gold

An emotion of symphatic pity


A loan for buying property such as a house


A storehouse for threshed grain

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Capable of growing or developing


To have a tendency, diposition

To incline

An assumption made in order to draw out an test its logical consequenses

A hypothesis

An ancient story or set of stories

A myth

To represent a quality or an idea exacly

To embody

To move about or travel, without a clear idea of where you're going

To roam

Private, and intended to be kept secret


To persuade sb to do sth

To induce

Feelings are not allowed to be expressed

Pent up

Feeling of anger because you were forced to accept thing that you don't like


Change somethiong that is false or wrong, or no longer means what it was intended to mean

To distort

Being unwilling to speek about your thougth or feelings


Method used to keep someone alive in a medical emergency

To perform CPR

The main subject, without details, of a piece of information

The gist

Skill or work of making and repairing wooden objects


Interesting and attractive but perhaps not to be trusted


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