EVU 8; Describing People; B

7 important questions on EVU 8; Describing People; B

Parsimonious, Frugal, Thrifty, Stingy

Gierig, N

Zuinig, P
P, N

Work-obsessed, Instudtrious, Workaholic, Diligent

IJverig/Werkverslaafd N, P, N, P

Shrewd, Astute, Cunning, Sly

Slim/Sluw P, P, N, N
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Morose, Sullen, Sober, Serious

Serious/Somber N, N, P, P

Witty, Brusque, Pithy, Terse

Gevat/Pittig P, N, P, N

Unprincipled, Tolerant, Unsrupulous, Open-minded

Verdraagzaam/Gewetenloos N, P, N, P,

Chatty, Garrulous, Verbose, Talkative

Spraakzaam P, N, N, P

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