What are the main obstacles to understanding our relation to the world of concern?

1. The scholastic fallacy
2. The tendence to view stay of values, emotions and ethics as less scientific than the study of power, discourse and social structure.

What does Pierre Bourdieu mean by "scholastic fallacy"?

This term involves the projection by academics' of their contemplative, discursive relation to the world onto people whose relation to the world is primarily practical. The philosophers' preoccupation with reason and autonomy make it particularly liable to ignore or devalue practice, emotion, vulnerability, dependence and embodiment, and to marginalise psychological and sociological considerations.

How does Liberalism see dependency?

Unfortunately, liberalism tends to see dependency purely negatively and view relations between people as thin and external, as in contractual relations, rather than as constitutive of their identities.
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How does the Cartesian mind-body dualism comes back, returning in new equipment?

It derives again from the scholastic fallacy by pressures to expand the realm of the disciplines that study the cultural and social at the expense of the biological; we shouldn't deny that we are also biological beings, because the culture being of people presupposes certain biological preconditions, particularly neurological complexity.

What is nature-phobia ment in this context, according Lena Gunnarsson?

Sciencentists are supposing that our freedom should be bordered by taking nature as an aspect and domain of research. But the error lies in regarding nature as immutable. Neither our bodies are immutable, nor simple cultural products are immutable.As neuroplasticity implies, our capacities develop through our lives, according to our experience, and at each point the development is dependent on what capacities and susceptibilities have already contingently been acquired through earlier experience.

What is the containment of the Attachment theory?

The Attachment theory shows that the way in which primary carers interact with infants from birth profoundly affects their ability to function as competent and well-balanced social actors in later life. The provision of security and the attunement of the carer to the baby affect how its brain develops - in effect, how it is calibrated or tuned. The quality of these interactions - and they are primarily pre-linguistic - affects the development of neural pathways and emotional responses and dispositions. So; Attachment helps the immature brain use the mature function of the parent's brain to organise its own processes.

What does the research by Stephen Porges shows us?

The way we respond to others is partly controlled through mechanisms that subconsciously monitor their faces and voices and other environmental signals, and regulate our heart rates and middle ear muscles. Friendly faces and prosodic voices allow our heart rates to slow and our facial muscles to relax, and our ears to tune into others' voices and distinguish them from background noise. Unresponsive or hostile expressions in others do not allow this relaxation, and keep the body in fight-or-flight mode, reducing our ability to listen and engage.

What is the consequence according Porges' theory for our relation to the world in caring and concerning?

So our relation of concern, caring about things, including other people, operates on a number of levels, from the subconscious / neuroception. There are processes which certain willed thoughts and behavior trigger, reinforce or change our subconscious. We need to reject models of mind and body, or culture and nature as radically opposed, for there are a number of processes operating at different levels, with interactions between them.

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