4 important questions on DICHOTOMIES

What is the difference between positive (descriptive) and normative thought?

The positive - descriptive thought is a way of thinking, in which the former in his reaction on the difference is world-guided.
The normative thought is seeking an outcome from the this difference and tries to resolve it and is word-guiding in an active way of being. Life - life-force is about moving between these states of being.

What is the problem of the "logical thinking" in the is and ought conceptual thinking?

The problem is that logic is about the relation between statements, not about the relation between states of being. Otherwise; natural necessity cannot be reduced to logical necessity. The force of the 'ought' is not a matter of logical relations between statements. We need to take care about that.

Formulate the two meanings of the concept "reason".

Reason can be horizontally about relations within discourse between statements - particularly logical. Reasoning in this form we ignore its 'aboutness', its vertical relation to what it denotes.
When we denotes reason in a vertical way, we can speak about reasonableness which attends to the specificities of the situation, particularly those of the people they deal with. In this way reason can be intentional - both the same as value.
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What is the role of the fact-value framework in values and reason?

This framework places both in the opposite and as arbitrary, rather than being about things in an older sense that both can be intentional and also can support the aim of getting a clear view upon the reality, whether this is an ethical issue or a matter of care or anything else. It also tends to ignore the fact that we can change our values in response to new knowledge about the world, which is obtained by reasoning in the older sense.

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