Summary: Case 3 Insane In The Brain

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  • 1 What is the orexigenic and the anorexigenis pathway?

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  • What kind of substances perform (an)orexigenic actions?

    Drugs, hormones or compounds e.g. neuropeptide hormones
  • What is the link between orexigenics and weight?

    orexigenics --> hunger increases --> food consumption increases --> weight increases
  • What is the link between anorexigenics and weight?

    anorexigenics --> appetit decreases --> food consumption decreases --> weight decreases
  • What are POMC neurons?

    POMC/CART neurons are anorexigenic neurons.
    insulin/leptin --> stimulation of POMC neurons --> secretion of alpha-MSH to synaptic cleft --> alpha-MSH binds to MCR on secondary neurons --> less hunger, more satiety
  • What are NPY/AgrP neurons?

    NPY/AgrP neurons are orexigenic neurons.
    insulin/leptin --> inhibition of NPY/AgRP neurons --> less activation of NPY receptors on secondary neurons --> less binding of AgrP and inhibition of MCR (--> less inhibition of alpha-MSH) --> hunger feeling 
  • 4 What is the influence of exercise on this pathway? (normal vs. athletes vs. obesity)

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  • For how long is insulin sensitivity improved after exercise?

    Insulin sensitivity is improved for 48 hours after exercise. So you have to exercise 3-4 times a week to improve insulin sensitivity long term. 
  • What is the short term effect of exercise?

    The short term effect of exercise is:
    • increased PYY
    • decreased acid related ghrelin
    This is during and some hours after exercise.
    exercise --> less hungry
  • What is the long term effect of exercise?

    The long effect of exercise is: 
    • faster gastric emptying
    • increased satiety feeling
    • increase in energy intake (higher energy expenditure --> need to maintain glycogen storage --> energy intake)
    • improved satiety signalling --> more sensitive of nutrient sensing
  • On what substances does exercise work and which not?

    Exercise doesn't work on:
    • Leptin
    • Ghrelin
    • Insulin

    Exercise does work on:
    • GLP1 increases --> PYY increases --> CCK increases --> satiety increases 
  • What is the effect of sedentary lifestyle on insulin sensitivity?

    sedentary lifestyle --> insulin sensitivity decreases --> less satiety feeling at low insulin concentrations due to lower energy uptake --> bad energy balance
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