Summary: Cases For Food And Health

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  • 3 Digestion

  • 3.1 powerpoint

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  • How does the stomach retain its pH?

    Food in the stomach causes the cells of the stomach wall to start releasing gastrin

    gastrin stimulates stomach glands to release the components of hydrochloric acid

    stomach pH reaches 1.5 acidity

    Negative feedback

    acidity in the stomach causes the cells of the stomach wall to stop releasing gastric
  • The pyloric sphincter opens and closes, how?

    • Sphincter relaxes, acid chime slips through
    • intestinal cells sense the acid
    • sphincter contracts
    • chime is neutralised
  • How does the pancreas know what to do?

    Chime stimulates secretin
  • How much of each enzyme is excreted?

    Depends on your eating pattern
  • How does the gallbladder know when to excrete?

    Fat is sensed

    • releases bile and pancreatic juice
    • slows GI tract motility   
  • Optimal absorption of nutrients

    • Balance not too little or not to much
    • moderation not too little or not to much
    • variety
    • adequacy
  • 4 carbohydrates

  • 4.1 powerpoint

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  • What is the health effects of fibers?

    • Lowering cholesterol (binding to bile acids)
    • Delaying transit (diabetes/glycemic index)
    • Easier passage of stool 
    • Feeling of fullness, weight management 
    • Reducing colon cancer risk
  • 5 Lipids

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  • What is lipids composed of?

    Carbon C hydrogen H oxygen O
  • Common food fats of saturation

    Coconut oil 
    beef tallow
  • 7 Water-soluble vitamins

  • 7.1 Powerpoint

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  • Estimated Average Requirements (EAR)

    Expected to satisfy needs of 50 % of people in an age group

    based on strong scientific

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