Runoff: recession-based modelling

3 important questions on Runoff: recession-based modelling

Catchments as signal filters - what is meant?

How P translates through all catchment properties to dynamics of streamflow. In a simplified model that captures heterogeneity that nonetheless captures dynamics of streamflow(?).

Simple dynamical systems approach = recession based modelling tool

Make it Q

What is NOT included in formula 2 of Kirchner 2009: Q = f(S)

  1. Distrubition of stored water does not play a role
  2. Precipitation is not directly included (although it is highly linked to recession/discharge as can be seen in the hydrograph)
  3. Formula will not work very well for locations with a lot of runoff
  4. All water storage/transition processes are uniquely related to storage (although it is NOT assumed they do not exist).

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