Observation uncertainty

19 important questions on Observation uncertainty

Give the water balance for a headwater catchment and a polder error?

DS/dt = P - E - Q

Polder: seepage, artificial drainage as part of outgoing Q, surface water supply as incoming. See slide!

How does Bouaziz try to estimate IGF?

  1. Budyko analysis flipped
  2. Hydrological model
  3. Actual ET estimates

Explain the Budyko curve and what it is used for?

Explanation of Budyko:
Etact = ETpot, so catchment is quite wet. Line has slope of 1
ETact/P = 1 : all P evaporates
Wetter catchments left, arid climates right.

Real catchments are somewhere along the curve.
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What are important radar measurement errors (used for estimating P) and how can they generally be corrected?

  • Overshoosting: measuring above clouds
  • Attenuation: storm close to radar blocking signal beyond
  • Ground clutter: mountain/buildings close influencing the signal

  • Raingauges
  • Statistical filters (useful for ground clutter) and physical corrections

Kinda skipped min 26 ish (rainfall slide)

Time series and scatter plots are ways to check rainfall errors

Slide 17: How do rainfall errors propagate in models through various measurement techniques (scatter plots)? See min 27-32 ish


x-axis: gauge Twente/unadjusted radar/etc.
y-axis: local rain gauge=base run

How do rainfall errors influence the water balance (histograms)?

Unadjusted radar underestimates throughout whole year for P and even worse for discharge.

Microwave linked data: overestimates in several months

What are the three main error types and how do they influence the model outcomes?

It depends on the type of error on how it propagates:

  • Biases (unadjusted radar): amplified when propagated through the hydrological system

  • Timing errors (gauge outside catchment): attenuated when propagated through the hydro system (thus errors in individual hours in P, but in Q it is less of a  problem)

  • Seasonally varying errors (microwave link data): affect dynamics of simulated catchment water balance     

How is Q often measured?

Continuous measurement water level + stage-discharge relation(=rating curve), often Q = a(h-h0)^b = continuous estimate Q

How do you obtain a rating curve?

  1. Measure Q several times, together with h
  2. To get Q: measure v, multiply with A
  3. Measure v with propellor or ADCP or other
  4. Interpolate/extrapolate (h,Q)-plot between observations

How does the ADCP work?

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

  • Send an accoustic signal in the water and solid particles reflect the accoustic signal. Hereby derived v from doppler shift (reflection flowing particles)
  • Sometimes fixed (horizontal) ADCP instead of rating curve (tides, backwater)
  • Accuracy: often assumed to be <5%, but in practice worse
  • Difficulties: flow through floodplains (floods), edges missing, compass calibration, moving bed

How does rating curve uncertainty propagate, based on the 3 plots? (slide 29)

Black pointing lines are measurements (?).
Red: rating curve
Min 59

Bottom left:
Q99: discahrge that is exceeded 99% of the time (low Q)
Q/Qactual discharge

Q0.01: Q exceeded only 0.01% of time, thus very high Q

Relative error becomes smaller to the more common Q values

Bottom right:
Missed it, min 61

Section: Examining Q time series: error or artefact?
Peculiarities in Q time series:

  • Peculiarities: what to do with it?
  • What caused it? > Crime Scene Investigation

Error or artefact (case 2): Imagine you have weir and Q is measured upstream a little. Weir is used as a flow measurement structure.
Two TS: green dashed is reference, blue: Qdatasets.

Blue line is higher overall then the green ref line

What could have happened here?

  • Wrong catchment area used for conversion m3/s --> mm3/h
  • Fix it: Water balance analysis

Error or artefact (case 5): Imagine you have weir and Q is measured upstream a little. Weir is used as a flow measurement structure.
Two TS: green dashed is reference, blue: Qdatasets.

Blue perfect cover, but starts overestimating a large rainfall event

What could have happened here?

  • Weir was moved upa nd down, but weir height not registered
  • Wrong Q-h relation used --> reconstruct or remove

Error or artefact (case 6): Imagine you have weir and Q is measured upstream a little. Weir is used as a flow measurement structure.
Two TS: green dashed is reference, blue: Qdatasets.

Blue very erratic but accurate signal

What could have happened here?

  • Target level from water authoraties on which water is managed. If settings are too precise, water levels change all the time. Weir automatically adjusted after small water lvl variation
  • Real data, but moving average useful for modelling purposes

Error or artefact (case 7): Imagine you have weir and Q is measured upstream a little. Weir is used as a flow measurement structure.
Two TS: green dashed is reference, blue: Qdatasets.

Blue overshoots one specific, max peak

What could have happened here?

  • Weir blocked (by eg debris due to intense P) or submerged (crest of downwater is higher than weir and submerges it)
  • Wrong Q-h relation used > reconstruct or remove

Error or artefact (case 8): Imagine you have weir and Q is measured upstream a little. Weir is used as a flow measurement structure.
Two TS: green dashed is reference, blue: Qdatasets.

Blue is same TS but shifted a little to the left (earlier in time).

What could have happened here?

  • Timezone/clock settings are wrong, eg winter/summertime (this happens often!!)
  • Shift entire series (crosscorrelation function may help)

What are 4 take home messages from Claudia on uncertainty of observations and modelling?

  • Always set up the water balance first!!
  • Critically evaluate observations before putting them in a model
  • Look for causes of errors
  • Think (or test) how errors propagate

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