Case 10: City marketing

10 important questions on Case 10: City marketing

What is city marketing?

A.k.a. location/region marketing, is the market-oriented operation of municipal organizations in order to get all urban actors to get to the point where they can profile the city to the outside world.

Who are the 3 parties that should be kept in mind while implementing city marketing (Kotler)?

  • local/regional authorities
  • entrepreneurs in a city
  • inhabitants

Who is the target group of city marketing? (user, not buyer)

  • (possible) inhabitants
  • businesses and investors
  • tourists
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By what factors is the identity of a city determined (USP)?

  • site
  • age
  • appearance
  • size
  • attributes
  • authenticity

What are the 3 main stages of city marketing?

  1. fragmented promotional activities
  2. city marketing mix
  3. towards city branding

What are the main goals of city marketing?

  • Getting all urban actors to the point where they can profile the city to the outside world.
  • The pure orientation of the objective of economic development.
  • All activities to support different aspects of social welvare.
  • Positioning the USP into the mind, to show added value compared to competitive market.
  • Building a long-term positive image & loyalty on the part of the customer.
All in all, getting a positive image to attract & keep.

What is the difference between city marketing & business marketing?

  • City marketing must take more stakeholders into account, because the city policy affects society!
  • A city has fewer obligation with respect to the inhabitants than a company in terms of its employees.
  • Policy document demand more scrutiny by all stakeholders, while a business can operate independent.
  • The result is measures differently.
  • Target is user, not buyer.
  • A city wants wellbeing, a business want profit.

How do cities get money?

From their municipality, who gets money from the Rijksoverheid, who gets money from tax, sale of natural gas, % of profit of companies they partly own.

How can you measure the effect of city marketing?

  • Brand familiarity: Ask the target group to name one/more products of the city.
  • Brand image: Ask the image towards the city (positive, neutral, negative).
  • Brand experience: Ask to give grading toward several characteristics.

Name some city marketing tools:

  • trade fairs
  • business seminars
  • media
  • sponsorship of cultural & sports events
  • direct marketing
  • road shows & study tours

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